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Money App

Muvin is a money app powering purchases for teens and young adults who don't own yet a bank account. It focuses on spending, saving and growing money smartly, providing besides the transactions, learning for its young customers. 

The original Muvin logo lacked personality, losing its identity among the other competitors. We then proposed three different alternatives: a safe update of the existing one, with the addition of an evocative symbol; a bold, transformative and funky piggy bank, speaking of growth and more approachable to the youngest audience; a dynamic and informal but not casual wordmark, representing fast pace and progression in finance. The client has been brave and forward-looking enough to select this third option and we happily developed a fresh and young visual identity. Its most distinctive element, along with the new logo and monogram, is the house color "murple" which can be paired with the secondaries to bring an almost electric energy to the entire messaging

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